Friday, August 07, 2015

How to increase the size of a VTOC

ICKDSF can now change the size of the VTOC without re-initialising the volume. Two methods are available:
1.    Extend the VTOC in place (if there is free space next to the VTOC):
    REFORMAT UNIT(xxxx) VERIFY(serial) EXTVTOC(new size)
3.    Move the VTOC to a different location on the volume:
    REFORMAT UNIT(xxxx) VERIFY(serial) NEWVTOC(cc,hh,n)

Activation of IODF dynamically

Testing Your System for Automated Dynamic I/O

After you’ve implemented your RESET and image profile changes, you can test your system to make sure it’s ready for Dynamic I/O. To perform the test, issue the “D IOS,CONFIG(ALL)” command. If your system is ready for Dynamic I/O, you’ll see non-zero values for the entries in the “Hardware System Area Available for Configuration Changes” section. These entries show the number of devices, control units, and channel paths that you can add to your system.

Performing the Automated Dynamic I/O Process

Performing an Automated Dynamic I/O involves these steps:

1. Create a new IOCDS, using HCD, to define the new device(s) to the hardware.
2. Create a new IODF file, using HCD, to define the device to MVS.
3. Activate the software portion of the configuration, using the ACTIVATE SOFT command, on all but one LPAR.
4. Activate the hardware portion of the configuration, using the ACTIVATE command, on one LPAR.
5. Point the RESET profile to the new IOCDS, using the ACTIVATE ACTIOCDS command.

The first two steps are common systems programmer functions. The only requirement for Dynamic I/O in these steps is to define the devices as Dynamic.

Activate the Software Portion of the Configuration

After you’ve created the IOCDS and IODF files, you’re ready to activate the software (MVS) portion of the new configuration. The software portion is the definition of the device UCBs used by MVS to communicate with each device. The software portion should be implemented on all but one LPAR. #Before activating the software portion, you should execute these three commands to check your new configuration:

D IOS,CONFIG(ALL): Issue this command to display the current token. After the activations, you can verify the token was modified.

ACTIVATE IODF=xx,TEST: Issue this command to test the hardware and software portions before making any changes. Replace xx with your new IODF suffix. The output of this command will identify potential errors and also will display the devices added or deleted when the activate occurs.

ACTIVATE IODF=xx,SOFT,TEST: This final command will test the software portion of the activate. The output of this command informs you that the activate will cause a mismatch between the hardware and software configurations. This is expected, since the hardware portion of the configuration hasn’t been activated. Note: Replace xx with your new IODF suffix.

Once you’re comfortable with the results of the aforementioned commands, issue the following command to activate the software portion of the configuration on all but one LPAR on the machine. Note: Replace xx with your new IODF suffix:


If you display the device (i.e., D U,,,0550,1), you’ll see that MVS has a UCB for the device. But, if you display the path for the device (DS P,0550,1), you’ll see there’s no path associated with this device. This is because the hardware portion of the configuration hasn’t yet been activate d . If you issue the D IOS,CONFIG(ALL) command, you’ll see that the name of the active IODF data set has changed, but the IODF name in the token still points to the old IODF name.

Activate the Hardware Portion of the Configuration

After you activate the software portion of the configuration on all but one LPAR, you’re ready to implement the hardware portion of the configuration. When you activate the hardware portion, this will affect every LPAR on the machine. On the remaining LPAR, you’ll activate both the software and the hardware portions, using this command (replace xx with the suffix of your new IODF):


You should verify the activation by displaying the new devices using both the D U and DS P commands. You also should issue the D IOS,CONFIG(ALL) command to verify that the IODF name in the token was changed to the new IODF name. Point the RESET Profile to the New IOCDS

The final step in the Automated Dynamic I/O process is to point your RESET profile to the new IOCDS. Use this command (replace Ax with the appropriate IOCDS slot):


The ACTIVATE ACTIOCDS command doesn’t perform any dynamic I/O functions. It only changes the active IOCDS pointer. Since you previously changed your RESET profile to “Use Active IOCDS,” the next time you POR, you’ll be using the proper IOCDS. After you issue the ACTIVATE ACTIOCDS command, you should go into your HMC and verify that the Active IOCDS pointer was modified as expected.


We’ve covered several variations of the Dynamic I/O ACTIVATE command. If you prefer to use panels rather than the native ACTIVATE commands, the HCD provides panels you can use to perform your hardware and software activates. For more information on Dynamic I/O, see the IBM publication Hardware Configuration Definition Planning (GA22-7525). This manual contains a wealth of information and also documents recovery steps to take if your activates don’t go as planned.